Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is it safe to Exhale?

I ask this question because so many things are starting to change in my life..some good and bad. My love life is really, really starting to pick up in the strangest place, the relationship between my mother and I is improving, work is always, I've learned to let go of what's already gone and I'm starting to have more confidence in myself. However, the IRS is f*cking with me big time but I refuse to let that get me down. From what I hear, they're f*cking with everybody. A part of me is scared to exhale because just when you think everything's in place, Life always hits you with a whammy! That will really piss me off if I'm already in a comfort zone. Again, I ask, Is it safe to exhale

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Lightbulb?

Ok so...during yesterday's therapy session, I've realized my only passions in life: Writing, Music, Movies and Fashion. If I decide to pursue a career, it would most definitely be in writing. Writing about what? I have no clue..hahaha but writing about something I know, see or feel comes easy to me and is definitely the best seller. First things first, I must move out of my Mama's house because her presence just "irritates" my mental block..(my block meaning my brain..something condusive to me writing). Enviornment is everything. I've learned that in order to write, it comes from within and definitely your surroundings. Your surroundings give you motivation, ideas and inspiration. Once in my own peace, I can continue paying off my debts (my days of being a fashionista caused this by the way). With both goals in place, I can go back to school and achieve my ultimate goal: A B.A in comparative literature, an MFA in creative writing and finally an M.A in Journalism. Sounds dope right? Guess what? IT me....

Another realization..I want a long spiffy weave SOO BAD! I was always Anti-Weave but I'd like to try something different. Is that so friggin bad?! People act like I said I wanted to skin a cat alive and wear it on my head. BOOGER EATERS! gets me sick..but guess what? I'm getting one anyway and I'll be flyest cat wearer on Earth!

Also, What the hell and Who the hell used to drink liquor called Night Train?? and why is this my first time hearing about it? That sounds like death in a bottle. I wouldn't even drink Colt 45 or anything in the shape of a 40 oz. bottle. Who still does that? Isn't that for crackheads??! No offense to any crack head reading this but it's time FOR YOU to even upgrade your drink level..get on it..

Until next time..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is there such a thing called, "A Coincidence"??

Hmm.. I used to think so but then at times I feel as if nothing is a's simply in the energy, the way the world works and the mysteriousness of one's intuition. Here's why I ask this question:

There's a website called Tagged. I'm not sure if any of you ever heard of it but it's where young and old folks tag each other, send pics, messages, winks, hearts and all kinds of As of right now, I'm completely turned off from it..and Why? because I started to correspond with a young lady who seemed cool at first...come to find out, she's the ex of another young lady who was screwing MY ex at a point. Once she found that out, this young lady (a lady who was trying to pursue me), started to scream cry and act crazy over the phone...over a girl who's clearly a slut. I couldn't believe how small the gay community is and how much emotional turmoil us women put ourselves through. This is why I asked the question, "Is there a such thing as a coincidence?". Was it meant for us to correspond? If so, what freaking reason was it? I refuse to think it was fate. Fate had nothing to do with that madness I went through last night. Needless to say, I spent almost two hours on the phone listening to a "prospective". Ah...WHEW! Now that I got that out.....GOOD MORNING

After venting, more questions are slightly pondering me: How many women do you have to screw in order to "successfully" land the right one? Does it come from years of soul searching and being celibate? Being a slut? What constitutes a Journey? How do one knows if they want to "journey" with another being? Is it romance, the lack of it or the quest for it?

Any feedback?